An asymmetrically-themed, from-scratch remake of cp_powerhouse bringing back its unreleased original design with a twist!
RP_Locality is a concentrated city map with a sprawling labyrinth of underground tunnels and sewers, centering around a canal splitting the map in half. It purposefully uses only Half Life 2 assets to minimize file size and have zero dependencies.
Following its release on the Steam Workshop, it rose to the top 10 Garry's Mod maps of all-time. It remains in the most highly-rated/subscribed maps of all-time.
Facepunch Studios - Mapping Subforums held a competition challenge named the "Twenty dolla$ 20 brush challenge"
First place winner of the competition.
The map is set on a grouping of four fishing trawlers anchored in a foggy sea.
A from-scratch Minecraft aesthetic remake of the classic HL2:DM map DM_Island17.
An insane amount of care was put into not only ensuring TTT_MC_Island17 was entirely faithful to Minecraft (i.e., it could be replicated 1:1), but also into gameplay features paying homage to Minecraft.