After the Freddi Fish days, I soon graduated into waking up in the morning as a six-year-old and booting up the PC to play Day of Defeat, and later still in primary school, occassionally making appearances at the high school LAN club to play Day of Defeat under the name "007" (of course).
In February of 2005 I started Garry's Mod for the first time and the evolution started--first, piling up props to fight zombies from, then adding simple axis/hydraulic doors and traps controlled from the keyboard numpad, eventually wiring together logic gates to really expedite that zombie-maiming. Then I began teaching myself how to program code.
I've expressed my creativity through Garry's Mod contraptions, Source Engine maps, and creations in other PC games. I post them on my (albiet now generally-dormant) YouTube channel.
I've since began a career as a Software Engineer. The purpose of this website is to showcase some of that passion.